The Abstract Artists Group

The Abstract Artists Group

The Abstract Group comprises painters who share a common passion for abstract art whilst employing an eclectic mix of individual styles and approaches.

Abstraction has been described as seeing with the mind what cannot easily be seen with the eyes. It uses colour, line and form in non-figurative ways but within such a broad definition, gives ample scope for very different paintings to emerge. The original impetus to create may arise from within or from the radical simplification of an aspect of the external world, but from any beginning, colour, line and form must come together in an individually creative way to produce the finished work.

The following pages afford an opportunity to each of the group to introduce the way they have chosen to approach this eternally exciting and challenging style of painting.

Maggie Armstrong

David Burnett

Sue Caley

Peter Eden

Christopher Rodrigues

Peter Young

Exhibition History

3.12.10-22.1.11 Gloss Gallery, Exeter
14.9.10-17.10.10 Gallery at Patisserie Valerie, Brompton Rd, Knightsbridge, London
3.12.09-30.12.09 The Walkway gallery, Phoenix Exeter
10.10.09-17.10.09 Pecorama gallery,Beer

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