The Abstract Artists Group


Camden Arts Centre - A World of Glass
Nathalie Djurberg with music by Hans Berg 07/10/2011 to 08/01/2012
Istitutuzione Museo d'Arte della Citta - RavennaMosaico - Selected - International festival of Contemporary mosaic
Nathalie Vin 12/10/2013 to 23/11/2013
Chartres - Les Rencontres Internationales de Mosaique - Chartres Picassiette - 2014
Nathalie Vin 18/10/2014 to 09/11/2014
Chartres - BrittaMosaico as part of Les rencontres Internationales de Mosaique - 2014
Nathalie Vin 18/10/2014 to 09/11/2014
Parasol Unit Foundation for Contemporary Art - Burlesque in which we've thrown it on its head
Nathan Cash Davidson 08/12/2010 to 13/02/2011
Beaux Arts (Bath) - Small painitngs and Drawings
NATHAN FORD 15/03/2010 to 10/04/2010
Beaux Arts (Bath) - New Paintings
NATHAN FORD 07/03/2011 to 02/04/2011
Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) - Ourhouse
Nathaniel Mellors 09/03/2011 to 15/05/2011
Matt's Gallery - Ourhouse
Nathaniel Mellors 18/04/2012 to 27/04/2012
Bischoff/Weiss - Solo Show
Nathaniel Rackowe 01/09/2009 to 02/10/2009
Bischoff/Weiss - Solo show
nathaniel rackowe 15/09/2010 to 23/10/2010
Broomhill Art Hotel
National Sculpture Prize 01/07/2012 to 02/01/2013
National Sculpture Prize

National Sculpture Prize

The 2012 National Sculpture Prize exhibition features work by Oliver Adams, Edward Baldwin, Ann Balmforth, Michael Branthwaite, Richard Cresswell, Mary George, Graham Guy-Robinson, Robert Hitzeman, Helen Snell and Ian Stoney who have all received £1,000 to bring their works to life at Broomhill. They now compete for the judges’ prize and a permanent place in the Broomhill Art and Sculpture Foundation collection.

Broomhill Art Hotel

01/07/2012 to 02/01/2013

Open 11am until 4pm daily.

Ilfracombe Road
EX31 4EX

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